Something I have altogether forgotten to mention that I love about fall is hot chocolate. I love my teas, but there's something so nostalgic in the treat of drinking hot chocolate. I just remembered that I love it so much, in fact, because I am drinking it right now.
There is a certain kind of hot chocolate I found that is sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I will say it again. It is so gooooooooooooood. It is by Fran's Chocolates, and it can be purchased at Whole Foods for $14 for a 9 oz can. THIRTEEN DOLLARS FOR NINE OUNCES OF CHOCOLATE??? You may ask. The answer is yes, but this is no ordinary chocolate. It is not powder, nor is it that nasty overly rich chocolate syrup drink they tried to sell at St*rbucks. First of all, it is made by Fran. Yes, Fran is a real woman from here in Seattle who has started an empire of fine chocolates. They are very, very expensive, but they are also the best chocolates you will ever eat, I tell you.
Anyway, back to the Fran's Hot Chocolate. It is actually chocolate! It is very fine pieces of just sweet enough chocolate that are made to melt into your milk just as it reaches the perfect temperature for drinking. I wish I could get you to believe me and try this for yourself. I'm not going to share mine, though- that stuff's expensive!
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