Monday, May 10, 2010

The star of mother's day...

Was my mom, of course.

Runner up was the lunch we had. Grilled bratwurst, fruit salad, and this asparagus salad.

It's amazing, fresh, easy, healthy, and fast. Just like mom....kinda....

1. Chop 2 bunches of asparagus into millions of tiny coins (slice not-lengthwise).
2. Crush a clove of garlic into a few tablespoons of olive oil.
3. Mix salt and squeezed lemon (teaspoon, perhaps, each) into oil.
4. Mix everything together.
5. Stir in about a quarter cup of parmesan cheese.


The Saunders said...

I agree the word "fast" is written all over your mom

Unknown said...

Not funny at all...