It's time to interrupt the Christmas festivities to bring some news (or perhaps even suggest another gift for the Anglophile in your life). I am going to start with the assumption that you know that Prince William (whom I admittedly have always thought was pretty cute but mainly because he's a prince) is engaged to the deservingly cute Kate Middleton. Don't tell anyone, but I was sure to watch the news special about England's first royal-commoner marriage, with Princess Diana's ring, blah, blah blah....
I honestly can't say if I'm hypothetically envious of Kate (in a "one day I might be queen" kind of way) or if I would never in a million years want to be in her shoes. One thing I do know is that England is crazy about its royals, and ecstatic about its fads, and I would never, ever want an entire country eating off of my face.
...or drinking tea from my head. On top of that, could they have picked a more boring photo of either of them to put on these Aynsley China commemorative plates, the 2010 Engagement Collection? Man, English people are weird. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Anyway, I couldn't find a price on this collection. But really, can you put a price on this?
love this post :) its the Brit lover in me.....