Monday, July 05, 2010

Why you should make this salad

Above is the (actual) salad I made for the brunch I had a couple of weeks ago. The main reason I chose that recipe was because my friend had just linked to it on Facebook a couple of days before, and it sounded like a good no brainer. {the link is here- from the NY Times} Since I was feeding 40 and didn't want to spend too much money or time cutting fennel and bell peppers, I added lettuce to the mix the first time to fluff it up.

Yesterday I made it again to bring a Fourth of July dinner at a friend's house. This time I followed the exact recipe, with one exception of replacing the lemon juice in the dressing with whole grain mustard (if you recall, I often compulsively add whole grain mustard to anything and everything savory I prepare). It looked a lot more like the photo below, with the addition of a few mustard seeds.

Here is why you should make it this summer:

1} It's super healthy.

2} Unlike lettuce, it won't get wilty.

3} It's something different, so when you go to a potluck that has ten salads made with greens, yours will stand out.

4} It takes about ten minutes.

5} It's beautiful.

6} Oh, and it's really really yummy.

1 comment:

  1. nice! you know, today is such a beautiful day in chicago.. so i was looking at making something healthy as well. I made chicken caprese instead.
