Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday Morning Brunch

Brunch is the best meal ever. I know I have talked about this before, but I can't help but singing again about how much I love it.* I'm pretty sure it's because when I'm making brunch, 1) I've had a good night's sleep, and 2) I have nowhere to be, so I can be relaxed and take my time making an amazing meal- It's when I'm at the tip top of my culinary game.

Saturday morning (well, ok, around noon, but that's morning to me on a weekend), I went to the kitchen without a plan, but knowing there was a lot of vegetables and leftover meat that needed to be consumed. I hate throwing away leftovers, but I think I've mentioned that.** I took my inspiration from the great brunches I've had at the Caprice Kitchen in Ballard, and about 30 minutes later we had one darn good meal.

I made a shredded chicken and potato hash with baby greens, onions, parsley, cilantro, oregano, thyme (all fresh from my garden!), and smoked goat cheese. I topped it with some California avocados- hand picked given to me from my wonderful friend's front yard- and a fried egg. Along with all that, we had the last few strips of Thundering Hooves Ranch maple smoked bacon and some good breakfast tea. I had a piece of toast.

Oh, and since I have had some "reader requests," here is a picture of me making brunch:

And a picture of the finished meal:

{Moral of the story}

There's just something so wonderful about sitting around the breakfast table (yes, it's still a breakfast table at 1:00 pm) and luxuriating in the time you have to slowly savor a great meal. Please don't forget to do this yourself. I have been harshly reminded this past couple of weeks that life is a short and precious treasure. Eating slowly and mindfully can be one way of being grateful for the simple blessings we get.

*Anyway, if you know me you know I repeat myself a lot.

**Anyway, if you know me you know I repeat myself a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. and the meal really did look yummy.
