Thursday, March 04, 2010

The dos and don'ts of cauliflower puree

(per my actual experiences this evening)

- DO try cauliflower puree as a vegetable alternative to mashed potatoes

-DON'T expect it to actually sate if you are experiencing a craving for the starchy, comfort food-ness of said mashed potatoes. Especially if you are not used to it.

-DON'T stray too far from the recipe

-DON'T substitute smoked Indian salt if you run out of regular sea salt, else you may get a strange, slightly sulfuric aroma that may remind you of eating pureed hard boiled eggs.

-DON'T try adding whole grain mustard to a little bit of the puree, else you may then get the sensation of eating warm, mashed egg salad.

-DON'T let your husband (or children) believe they are eating mashed potatoes before they spit it out and say "What the [bleepity bleep] is wrong with these potatoes?"*

-DO serve the cauliflower puree underneath barbecue pulled pork. It tastes really, really good together.

-DO mix the leftovers with your dog's food, because I doubt anyone will eat the cauliflower alone once the pulled pork is gone. Besides, your dog will love it! (mine did...)

*My husband didn't say that, but yours might.


  1. Seriously just cried I laughed so hard!!

  2. Have you heard of the cookbook deceptively delicious. There is a lot I don't like about it but it has great ideas for mixing purees into food (cauliflower)being oneof them. And i mix it into charleys yogurt at lunch for some added umph :)
